Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Breaking Light After a Morning Storm, oil on canvas, 18 x 24

After what seems to have been a very snowy and cold winter I must admit I am ready for some warmer weather. We have had however, some beautiful winter days. When I look back over photos of paintings I have completed in the last couple of years, I have been amazed at how many views of the Poultney River have been completed. I did a smaller plein air painting of this same spot last summer so this winter it was interesting to do a comparison of the area in a different season. There is something about the tree on the left that seems to balance the trees on the right and the day I was down there the light comimg through the trees seemed to give the affect that I was hoping to achieve. I like to paint winter scenes where the snow hangs heavy on the tress, I like use of back lighting in a painting, I liked the shapes of the trees and as you know, I enjoy painting water. All in all, I would say this was a painting that was great fun to pull together with many of the elements I truly enjoy painting. No matter how much fun I had doing the matter how much I like winter...I am still ready for the thermometer to reach 32 degrees.

Breaking Light After a Morning Storm
oil on canvas
18 x 24